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He has had diffrent trainings and certifications by the Holistic Gaia Institute in Costa Rica, the Sri Kali Ashram in India and L école de Vie Conscient in Quebec, Canada.
He has been leading workshops, retreats and trainings around the globe for over 15 years and is an eternal student of life. His teachings are empowering, creative and inspiring to reach the blissful state of Being.

Regan specializes in helping people uncover their true message and launch powerful personal brands, helping them make a big impact and build a legacy.
She has trained thousands of people, helping them build multiple six and seven figure businesses location free, using powerful mindset changing tools and cutting edge business development strategies.

Her global workshops, private sessions, and consultations awaken people to empower their lives through the mastery of personal health, wellness, sexual vitality, practices of conscious connection and sacred love.
Her training has led her to develop clinical experience in the care of people, combining conventional and holistic techniques. She’s also a lecturer and congresses on topics of Natural Medicine and Medicinal Plants.

In 2006, Stephen envisioned, co-founded and developed La Ecovilla, a 40 lot community and a world model for sustainable living and conscious community.

Sarah is a co-producer of Envision Festival, The Village Witches & Medicines from the Edge: a Tropical Herbal Convergence, located in Aguas Zarcas, Costa Rica.

Facilitating in the expansion of human consciousness via individual energetic medicine sessions, Skype consults, Super Hero Programs and Jungle Retreats in Costa Rica, Dr. Damato has been using his background in psychology, exercise science and research to alter the lives of thousands of individuals.

Her training has led her to develop clinical experience in the care of people, combining conventional and holistic techniques. She’s also a lecturer and congresses on topics of Natural Medicine and Medicinal Plants.

She expanded her study of the healing arts, becoming an Instructor of Holistic Balance, Reiki, Energetic Balance, and Yoga, integrating elements from Hatha Yoga, Sufi-Kundalini Yoga, Hara Yoga Gaia Yoga & incorporates singing into her practice.

Received of Forestry Technician in Perez Zeledón, continues his trip in the National University, with Luis Jorge Poveda, who adopts him like his apprentice for several years.

In her search for complementary techniques, she knows the concept of “conscious eating”. When she began to integrate principles of alkalinity and detoxification in her body and started to see the changes in her quality of life and the acceleration that occurred in her well-being, she began to integrate traditional nutrition with these holistic techniques in his patients obtaining excellent results.

In order to illustrate how to achieve this, he published his book “Comiendo Pura Vida” a simple reading manual obligatory for lovers of natural health. The book also contains recipes for a transition to the raw diet made by famous crudist chef Cherie Soria.

She has had the opportunity to prepare dinners for influential people in the world of raw food, like David Wolfe, Cherie Soria and Kate Magic. In addition to her restaurant, Nena also teaches cooking classes.

Is the author of six books, architect, Integral Balance instructor, and creator of the personal growth program Biocreación. With more than 20 years of experience as a facilitator both face-to-face and virtual, he has passionately supported thousands of people to decipher their own path of growth.

She is the creator of the lifestyle blog called Aventuras Frutales; she currently teaches workshops in both cooking and yoga, seeking to continue to expand her passionate love of natural cooking.

More than 30 years ago, with the help of his family, they created the Gaia Foundation, the Gaia Integral Balance Center and the Gaia Holistic Institute, institutions that would allow the development of a proposal called Project Planet Earth.

With a natural perspective of food and a coaching system created and perfected by himself in relation to a series of biological strategies to improve the health of individuals.